Here is a trip around my layout as it looks today.First picture is a shot of East Curan Yard.
Here trains come in from the prairies before the long haul through the mountains.
Here is a shot of Curan Station and the west side of the yard.
This is looking east. I'm still playing with different pictures of buildings on the backdrop as you can see. The far corner needs a couple of tall warehouses as well.
At the western edge of Curan yard are the engine refueling facilities. You can see the start of the Rocky Mountains in the background. Better take on lots of fuel and sand for the trip through those babies!
Turning the corner we see the makings of my future ethenol plant. Notice the garin bins. I had first wanted to buy two more and then last month MR had the article in it where Jim Hediger had cut them in half for his ethenol plant. Thanks Jim!

Continuing west we see the future branch line at the lower level. It comes out from the hidden staging tracks which will be under Curan yard.
Looking back the other way you get a view of the first peninsula. This will be the main focal point of the layout with a coal mine in the middle surrounded by rocky peaks and bridges all the way around.
The first bridge will represent Anderson Creek Bridge near Boston Bar, BC.
Turning the corner trains will cross a big rock cut on the other side of the peninsula. This will be the first thing you see when entering the layout under the duckunder.
We continue west and cross another big valley snaking toward the next peninsula where trains will slowly descend to a lower level matching up with the height of my hidden staging yard under Curan yard. You will also have the option to stay high and enter Curan yard again. Note the branch line cutting across under this section in the distance.This is the start of the next peninsula.
My current junk table. Against the wall you can see where I have temporarily cut across so I can run trains all the way around.

The end of the run brings us to the coast and the future container yard. Here trains duck behind the backdrop and enter the hidden staging under Curan Yard.
That's it. Hope you have enjoyed the trip.