Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Some box car weathering

Initial dull coating and wash of thinned burnt umber.
Added some graffiti and some more burnt umber wash.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Some weathering with oils

After the NMRA meet last week I was so intrigued by the weathering method Allen showed us I went out and bought myself some oil paints to give it a try. Here are some progression pictures I have taken of my first attempt.
I started with some less expensive Athearn hopper cars in case I totally messed them up. Allen painted his own graffiti on his cars but I used some decals I had purchased at one of the recent train shows I attended. They look ok but I would not quickly use them on cars with defined ribs again in the future. Below is a picture after a dull coating and dust coloured airbrushing.
Next came a wash of thinned down Burnt Umber to dirty thing up.
After a day of drying the rib edges were highlighted with a burnt umber and burnt sienna mixture to make them more defined. The paint should still be thin enough to flow down the ribs. This is a different car as I was jumping from one to the next.
Here are the final results after defining more detailed rust spots.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blair-Line Church

It's been some time since I posted on the blog. I have been told there are a number of people who have been disappointed not to see anything new so here's my latest project.
It's a small wooden Blair-Line church kit. I wanted to put it on a hill so I made a little diorama for it and mounted it on top of a cliff. Here are a few pictures.